Ms. Wendy Hobbs
School Nurse
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Maya Angelou
Wallace Community College, Dothan AL - 2006
Malone High School, Malone Florida - 1992
I am Wendy Hobbs, the School Nurse for NBMS and NBHS. I am the mother of two children. One son, Shay Hobbs, a 2014 Graduate of NBHS, and one daughter, Shelby Hobbs, a 2023 Graduate of NBHS who is now a Freshman at Troy University, Troy AL . When I am not in the nurse's office at NBHS/NBMS, I love spending time with my grandson, Noah. My hobbies include spending time with friends and family, traveling, photography and going to the beach.

"My favorite thing about NBMS and NBHS is that the faculty and staff truly cares about each and every student on campus."
Ms. Wendy Hobbs
New Brockton High School, New Brockton, AL School Nurse 2012- Present
Lyster Army Health Clinic, Fort Novosel, Alabama (Aviation/ sick call, Family practice)
Tanana Valley Clinic, Fairbanks, Alaska (Urgent Care, OB/GYN clinic)