SGA - Student Government Association





Junior High:  Mrs. Lord

The Student Government Association is a representative structure for students only, through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students. The role of student government is to demonstrate the principles of democratic government and the responsibilities of the individual, thereby developing an appreciation of membership in democracy; to develop good citizenship by giving students an opportunity to have a part in self-government; to help with the coordination of extra-curricular activities; to bring about a closer relationship between the students, faculty, and administration; to encourage the development of school spirit through participation; and to demand the best possible academic atmosphere. In keeping with these purposes, the SGA plays a major role in helping to plan and coordinate the various student activities within the school, from visits to the local citizen center, to organizing and carrying out the Angel Tree Project each year at Christmas.


Senior High:  Mrs. McCollough